In Lieu-Fee Wetland Mitigation
The Wetland Trust’s (TWT) New York In-Lieu Fee program sells wetland mitigation credits for permitted wetland impacts throughout much of New York State. TWT assumes all responsibilities on behalf of the permittee for implementing wetland restoration projects approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). TWT’s New York Service Areas can be viewed here. Through this program, TWT has protected more than 2,000 acres of the highest quality wetland in New York State in the same watersheds where wetland impacts were permitted.
Credit Purchase Information:
1. If you are early in the process of a project that you believe may need mitigation credits, please call us. We will provide you with all the background information needed to understand the In-Lieu Fee wetland mitigation process.
2. Once your project is approved, the US Army Corps of Engineers will determine how many credits you will need to proceed.
3. Upon credit purchase from TWT, we will work with you to complete a Transaction Letter for the US Army Corps proving mitigation has been provided.
Prices are $91,580/credit for the five Susquehanna Basin Service Areas (Unadilla, Tioughnioga, Cayuta, Cohocton and Canisteo), and $98,022 for the remaining ILF Service Areas. For Hudson Bank pricing please call 607-765-4780 to speak with Jim Curatolo.
Contact us for information about our NY Hudson River Umbrella Mitigation Bank.
For latest In-Lieu Fee wetland mitigation pricing and sales information contact:
Jim Curatolo, TWT Director of Development
Call 607-765-4780 or use our contact form

The Wetland Trust (TWT,) has a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Wetland Mitigation Program. This program covers 15 service areas in New York. The program takes a scientifically based watershed approach to ensure that wetland mitigation results in the highest quality restorations by targeting the best sites for wetland habitat quality, species diversity, and long term sustainability.
For those who are required by the USACE to mitigate a wetland impact, an ILF program is an excellent option.
How does it work?
- The USACE determines how much mitigation is required in the form of “Mitigation Credits.”
- The permittee contacts TWT about purchasing those credits. This process can be completed through a simple request and payment.
- Most importantly, once purchased the permittee has fulfilled all wetland mitigation requirements for their project. Once the transaction is completed TWT, not the permittee, is held responsible for the long-term success of the wetland those credits represent (whereas the reverse is true with a standard wetland mitigation project).
Fee Schedule
Unadilla/Susquehanna $91,580
Tioughnioga/Chenango $91,580
Cayuta/Catatonk/Owego $91,580
Canisteo $91,580
Cohocton/Chemung $91,580
Mohawk $98,022
Schoharie $98,022
Schoharie – NYC $98,022
Upper Delaware $98,022
Upper Delaware – NYC $98,022
Lower Genesee $98,022
Upper Genesee $98,022
Finger Lakes $98,022
Oneida $98,022
Oswego $98,022