Thank YOU!

We appreciate your support!

The Wetland Trust (TWT) is a 501C(3), not-for-profit New York Corporation dedicated to the protection and restoration of freshwater wetland ecosystems and the rare and unique species that occupy those wetland systems.  

Daily Expense Fund

The Wetland Trust (TWT) gratefully accepts gifts of any amount to use toward general operating fees and organizational upkeep.

Champion a Specific Cause

Preserve Critical Habitat: $50,000

Acquisition of critical TWT habitat that protects a rare species or ecological community. Supporters who pledge $50,000 or more will have an opportunity to name the new preserve. 

Name an Existing Preserve: $25,000

Name an existing TWT preserve and fund conservation and stewardship activities directed towards the management, enhancement, and protection of a preserve’s rare species or ecological features.

Fund a Project: $10,000

Fund a conservation-based research project to protect a rare species or ecological community. See Projects and Species Profiles.  

Adopt a Species: $5,000

Fund a TWT conservation-based research project to protect a rare species or ecological community. See Projects and Species Profiles.

Featured Initiative

Slab Rock Install at Chin Preserve

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